{% content %}

{% content %}

Twig Tag

The {% content %} tag will display a CMS content block on the page. To display content block called contacts.htm you pass the file name after the content tag quoted as a string.

{% content "contacts.htm" %}

A content block inside a subdirectory can be rendered in the same way.

{% content "sidebar/content.htm" %}

The Themes documentation has more details on subdirectory usage.

Content blocks can be rendered as plain text:

{% content "readme.txt" %}

You can also use Markdown syntax:

{% content "changelog.md" %}

Content blocks can also be used in combination with layout placeholders.

{% put sidebar %}
    {% content 'sidebar-content.htm' %}
{% endput %}

# Variables

You can pass variables to content blocks by specifying them after the file name:

{% content "welcome.htm" name=user.name %}

You can also assign new variables for use in the content:

{% content "location.htm" city="Vancouver" country="Canada" %}

Inside the content, variables can be accessed using a basic syntax using singular curly brackets:

<p>Country: {country}, city: {city}.</p>

You can also pass a collection of variables as a simple array:

{% content "welcome.htm" likes=[
] %}

The collection of variables is accessed by using an opening and closing set of brackets:


Note: Twig syntax is not supported in Content blocks, consider using a CMS partial instead.

# Setting Contents to a Twig Variable

In any template you can set the contents to a variable with the content() function. This lets you manipulate the output before display. Remember to use the |raw filter to prevent output escaping.

{% set welcomeContent = content('welcome.htm') %}

{{ welcomeContent|raw }}

You may also pass variables to the content as the second argument.

{% set welcomeContent = content('welcome.htm', { foo: 'bar' }) %}

# Checking a Content File Exists

The hasContent() function can be used to check if a content exists without rendering the contents. To prevent the rendering of the content, pass the second argument as false and it will return true or false if the content file is found.

{% if hasContent('welcome.htm') %}
    {% content 'welcome.htm' %}
{% else %}
    <p>Welcome content not found!</p>
{% endif %}

# Parsing Content as a String

When using the {% content %} tag, it will resolve CMS snippets and links created by the page finder form widget automatically.

Similarly, the |content filter can be used to parse a HTML string for multiple content objects and resolve them in the output.

{{ post.content|content }}

The |md filter can also be used to parse Markdown content found in a string.

{{ post.markdown_content|md|content }}

# See Also