

Twig Function

Functions prefixed with str_ perform tasks that are useful when dealing with strings. The helper maps directly to the Str PHP class and its methods. For example:

{{ str_camel() }}

The above is the PHP equivalent of the following:

<?= Str::camel() ?>

Methods in camelCase should be converted to snake_case.

You may also apply the string functions as a Twig filter.

{{ ''|str_camel }}

# str_limit()

Limit the number of characters in a string.

{{ str_limit('The quick brown fox...', 100) }}

To add a suffix when limit is applied, pass it as the third argument. Defaults to ....

{{ str_limit('The quick brown fox...', 100, '... Read more!') }}

# str_words()

Limit the number of words in a string.

{{ str_words('The quick brown fox...', 100) }}

To add a suffix when limit is applied, pass it as the third argument. Defaults to ....

{{ str_words('The quick brown fox...', 100, '... Read more!') }}

# str_replace

Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.

// Outputs: Bob
{{ 'Alice'|str_replace('Alice', 'Bob') }}

# str_camel()

Convert a value to camelCase.

// Outputs: helloWorld
{{ str_camel('hello world') }}

# str_studly()

Convert a value to StudlyCase.

// Outputs: HelloWorld
{{ str_studly('hello world') }}

# str_snake()

Convert a value to snake_case.

// Outputs: hello_world
{{ str_snake('hello world') }}

The second argument can supply a delimiter.

// Outputs: hello---world
{{ str_snake('hello world', '---') }}

# str_plural()

Gets the plural form of an English word.

// Outputs: chickens
{{ str_plural('chicken') }}

# str_upper()

Makes a string uppercase.

// Outputs: Hello I'm JACK
Hello I'm {{ 'Jack'|str_upper }}

# str_lower()

Makes a string lowercase.

// Outputs: Hello I'm jack
Hello I'm {{ 'JACK'|str_lower }}

# str_ucfirst()

Makes a string's first character uppercase.

// Outputs: Hello I'm Jack
Hello I'm {{ 'jack'|str_ucfirst }}

# str_lcfirst()

Makes a string's first character lowercase.

// Outputs: Hello I'm jack
Hello I'm {{ 'Jack'|str_lcfirst }}

# str_repeat()

Repeats a string.

// Outputs: We are the best best best!
We are the {{ 'best '|str_repeat(3) }}!

# str_pad_both

Pads a string to a certain length with another string from both sides.

// Outputs: ooxxxoo
{{ 'xxx'|str_pad_both(7, 'o') }}

# str_pad_left

Pads a string to a certain length with another string from left side.

// Outputs: ooxxx
{{ 'xxx'|str_pad_left(5, 'o') }}

# str_pad_right

Pads a string to a certain length with another string from right side.

// Outputs: xxxoo
{{ 'xxx'|str_pad_right(5, 'o') }}

# str_reverse

Reverses a string.

// Outputs: !dlrow olleH
{{ 'Hello world!'|str_reverse }}