

Twig Function

The carbon() function can be used to handle dates and times using Twig, prepared with a Carbon object (opens new window) and all its available functions.

The supplied value will be automatically converted to the current timezone depending on the cms.timezone configuration setting, which can be set using a site definition.

To output the current date time value:

{{ carbon('now') }}

To specify a custom value:

{{ carbon('2024-01-01 02:13:23') }}

# format

The format method can be used to apply various formats.

Meeting starts at {{ carbon(event.start_at).format('H:i') }} in Johannesburg.

# formatLocalized

Format a local time/date according to locale settings, this is the equivalent to strftime in PHP.

{{ carbon(article.created_at).formatLocalized('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') }}

# diffForHumans

The diffForHumans method will render the difference between a date and now in human readible text.

{{ carbon(post.published_at).diffForHumans() }}

# Cache Busting URLs

You can use the format to produce cache busting URLs.

// Outputs:

Then build the URL like the following.

<img src="{{ 'assets/images/image_file.jpg'|theme }}?{{ carbon('now').format('m.d.y.H.i.s') }}" alt="" />

# Date Format Cheat Sheet

The following values are available when formatting dates and times. You can use these codes with the format method.

Day Format Example
d 01 through 31
D Mon through Sun
j 1 through 31
l Sunday through Saturday
N 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
S st, nd, rd, th
w 0 (Sunday) through 6 (Saturday)
z 0 through 365
Week Format Example
W 42 (42nd week in year)
Month Format Example
F January through December
m 01 through 12
M Jan through Dec
n 1 through 12
t 28 through 31
Year Format Example
Y 1985, 1991, 2012, 2014, ...
y 85, 91, 12, 14, ...
o Same as Y, except based on week ending
L 1 (leap year), 0 otherwise
Time Format Example
a am or pm
A AM or PM
B 000 through 999
g 1 through 12
G 0 through 23
h 01 through 12
H 01 through 23
i 00 through 59
u 123456 (microseconds)
Timezone Format Example
e UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores
I 1 (daylight), 0 otherwise
O +0200
P +02:00
T EST, MDT, ...
Z -43200 through 50400 (timezone offset)
Date & Time Format Example
c 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
r Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
U Seconds since Jan 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT