

Twig Filter

The |link filter returns a link generated using the october:// output schema of a page finder form widget. The result is a public URL to the page specified by the form widget.

<a href="{{ 'october://cms-page@link/about'|link }}" />

If you are looking to parse HTML for multiple links and resolve them as HTTP links in the output, see the |content Twig filter.

The complimentary link() function is used to extract more detailed information about a link.

{% set resolved = link('october://cms-page@link/about') %}

{{ resolved.url }}

The following properties can be expected in the resulting object.

Property Data
url the public URL to the page.
mtime the modification time of the page link.
title a human readable title for the link, optional.
items an array containing generated child items, optional.
isActive set to true if the link is currently active.

You may request nested child items by passing the nesting option to true (second argument), which populates the items property on the result.

{% set resolved = link('october://...', { nesting: true }) %}

{% for subitem in resolved.items %}
    {{ subitem.url }}
{% endfor %}

You may request other site URLs by passing the sites option to true, which populates the sites property on the result.

{% set resolved = link('october://...', { sites: true }) %}

{% for site in resolved.sites %}
    {{ site.url }}
{% endfor %}

# PHP Interface

You may resolve links in PHP using the Cms\Classes\PageManager class. The url method returns a string to the public URL.


The resolve method returns a detailed Cms\Models\PageLookupItem object.

$page = Cms\Classes\PageManager::resolve('october://cms-page@link/about');

echo $page->url;

# See Also

On This Page