

Twig Function

The collect() function provides a nicer interface for building arrays in Twig. Twig is intentionally minimalist as a view layer and building an array requires a continuous merge process.

Take the following example to build an array using the native Twig |merge filter:

{% set array = [] %}
{% for item in items %}
    {% set array = array|merge([{ title: item.title, ... }]) %}
{% endfor %}

Using the collect() function returns a collection object that lets you push elements instead. The above example can be achieve using the push method.

{% set array = collect() %}
{% for item in items %}
    {% do array.push({ title: item.title, ... }) %}
{% endfor %}

Passing an array as the first argument will initialize the collection with items prepopulated.

{% set array = collect([
    { title: item.title, ... },
    { title: item.title, ... }
]) %}

# shuffle

The shuffle() method shuffles the collection.

{{ collect(songs).shuffle() }}

In a foreach loop.

{% for fruit in collect(['apple', 'banana', 'orange']).shuffle() %}
    {{ fruit }}
{% endfor %}

# sortBy

The sortBy() and sortByDesc methods can sort a collection by given field (key).


For example:

// Output: John David
{% set data = [{'name': 'David', 'age': 31}, {'name': 'John', 'age': 28}] %}

{% for item in collect(data).sortBy('age') %}
    {{ }} 
{% endfor %}

# See Also

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