{% flash %}

{% flash %}

Twig Tag

View the Flash Messages article to learn more about using flash messages.

The {% flash %} and {% endflash %} tags will render any flash messages stored in the user session, set by the Flash PHP class. The message variable inside will contain the flash message text and the markup inside will repeat for multiple flash messages.

    {% flash %}
        <li>{{ message }}</li>
    {% endflash %}

You can use the type variable that represents the flash message type — success, error, info or warning.

{% flash %}
    <div class="alert alert-{{ type }}">
        {{ message }}
{% endflash %}

You can also specify the type to filter flash messages of a given type. The next example will show only success messages, if there is an error message it won't be displayed.

{% flash success %}
    <div class="alert alert-success">{{ message }}</div>
{% endflash %}

# Setting Flash Messages to a Twig Variable

In any template you can set the flash messages to a variable with the flash() function. This lets you manipulate the output before display. The function returns an array with one flash message per type.

{% set messages = flash() %}

The first argument can specify the message type, which returns the message as a string.

{% set successMessage = flash('success') %}

If the first argument is set to all it will return an array of types, each type is an array of all flash messages.

{% set allMessages = flash('all') %}

# See Also