

Form Widget

repeater - renders a repeating set of form fields using a related record or jsonable attribute.

    type: repeater
                label: Date Added
                type: datepicker
                label: Details
                type: textarea

The following field properties are supported and commonly used.

Property Description
label a name when displaying the form field to the user.
default specifies a default array value, optional.
comment places a descriptive comment below the field.
form inline field definitions or a reference to form field definition file.
prompt text to display for the create button. Default: Add new item.
displayMode controls how the interface is displayed, as either accordion or builder. Default: accordion
useTabs shows tabs when enabled, allowing fields to specify a tab property. Default false
itemsExpanded if repeater items should be expanded by default when using accordion mode. Default: true.
titleFrom name of field within items to use as the title for the collapsed item, optional.
minItems minimum items required. Pre-displays those items when not using groups. For example if you set minItems: 1 the first row will be displayed and not hidden.
maxItems maximum number of items to allow within the repeater.
groups references a group of form fields placing the repeater in group mode (see below). An inline definition can also be used.
groupKeyFrom the group key attribute stored along with the saved data. Default: _group
showReorder displays an interface for sorting items. Default: true
showDuplicate displays an interface for cloning items. Default: true

The titleFrom property can be used to specify the value used when the repeater is collapsed.

    type: repeater
    titleFrom: title_when_collapsed
            # ...
                label: This field is the title when collapsed
                type: text

The repeater fields supports the use of tabs by setting the useTabs property to true.

    type: repeater
    useTabs: true
            label: Date added
            type: datepicker
            tab: Date
            label: Details
            type: textarea
            tab: Details

# Grouped Repeaters

The repeater field supports a group mode using groups that allows a custom set of fields to be chosen for each iteration.

    type: repeater
    prompt: Add content block
    groups: $/acme/blog/config/fields_repeater.yaml

This is an example of a group configuration file, which would be located in /plugins/acme/blog/config/fields_repeater.yaml. For better organization, the groups can specify one file per group definition.

    textarea: $/acme/blog/config/fields_textarea.yaml
    quote: $/acme/blog/config/fields_quote.yaml

Alternatively, the definitions could be specified inline with the repeater. If the group key starts with an underscore (_) then it will be ignored.

        name: Textarea
        description: Basic text field
        icon: icon-file-text-o
                label: Text Content
                type: textarea
                size: large

        name: Quote
        description: Quote item
        icon: icon-quote-right
                span: auto
                label: Quote Position
                type: radio
                    left: Left
                    center: Center
                    right: Right
                span: auto
                label: Details
                type: textarea

Each group must specify a unique key and the definition supports the following options.

Option Description
name the name of the group.
description a brief description of the group.
icon defines an icon for the group, optional.
titleFrom name of a field for the item title, optional.
fields form fields belonging to the group.
useTabs shows tabs for the group only, optional.

The group key is stored along with the saved data as the _group attribute. This can be customized with the groupKeyFrom option.

The repeater form widget will automatically detect if the model attribute is a related field and use it. The following provides an example implementation that you may use. For example, if your model uses a hasMany relation that refers to a RepeaterItem model the repeater will use this related model for each item.

public $hasMany = [
    'extra_information' => [
        'key' => 'parent_id',
        'delete' => true

A simple database table schema for the model can be defined that includes a reference to the parent model id and a serialized JSON value for dynamic attributes (see below).

Schema::create('acme_blog_repeater_items', function($table) {

The model extends the October\Rain\Database\ExpandoModel base class to allow dynamic attributes set on the model and saved in the database, in JSON format. The model can include attachments and any other related fields.

use October\Rain\Database\ExpandoModel;

class RepeaterItem extends ExpandoModel
    use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\Sortable;

    public $table = 'acme_blog_repeater_items';

    protected $expandoPassthru = ['parent_id', 'sort_order'];

    public $attachMany = [
        'photos' => \System\Models\File::class,

Finally, the repeater item can be specified as a form field with accompanying form field definitions, including fields that use model relationships.

    type: repeater
                label: title
                label: Enabled
                type: switch
                label: Photos
                type: fileupload
                mode: image