File Attachments

File Attachments

Models can support file attachments using a subset of the polymorphic relationship. The $attachOne or $attachMany relations are designed for linking a file to a database record called "attachments". In almost all cases the System\Models\File model is used to safekeep this relationship where reference to the files are stored as records in the system_files table and have a polymorphic relation to the parent model.

In the examples below the model has a single Avatar attachment model and many Photo attachment models.

A single file attachment:

public $attachOne = [
    'avatar' => \System\Models\File::class

Multiple file attachments:

public $attachMany = [
    'photos' => \System\Models\File::class

To avoid a naming collision, make sure that your model's database table does not already have an attribute that uses the same name as your attachment relationship.

Protected attachments are uploaded to the application's uploads/protected directory which is not accessible for the direct access from the Web. A protected file attachment is defined by setting the public property to false.

public $attachOne = [
    'avatar' => [\System\Models\File::class, 'public' => false]

# Creating New Attachments

For singular attach relations ($attachOne), you may create an attachment directly via the model relationship, by setting its value using the files function, which reads the file data from an input upload.

$model->avatar = files('file_input');

To associate a new file from a local path, use the System\Models\File model and fromFile method.

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromFile('/path/to/somefile.jpg');

To create a file directly from (raw) data, use the fromData method to pass the contents (first argument) and a file name (second argument).

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromData('Some content', 'sometext.txt');

You can also add a file from a URL using the fromUrl method. To use this method, you need install cURL PHP Extension.

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromUrl('https://example.tld/path/to/avatar.jpg');

Optionally, you may specify a custom file name (second argument).

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromUrl('https://example.tld/avatar.jpg', 'customname.jpg');

# Handling Multiple Attachments

For multiple attach relations ($attachMany), you can pass an array of values from the files() function.

$model->photos = (array) files('multi_file');

You may use the create method to append a file on an existing relationship instead, notice the file object is associated to the data attribute. This approach can be used for singular relations too, if you prefer.

$model->photos()->create(['data' => files('file_input')]);

You may use the add method on the relationship to work directly with a System\Models\File model.


Alternatively, you can prepare a File model before hand, then manually associate the relationship later. Notice the is_public attribute must be set explicitly using this approach.

$file = new \System\Models\File;
$file->data = files('file_input');
$file->is_public = true;


# Viewing Attachments

The getUrl method returns the full URL of an uploaded public file. The following code would print something like example.tld/uploads/public/path/to/avatar.jpg.

echo $model->avatar->getUrl();

Returning multiple attachment file paths.

foreach ($model->photos as $photo) {
    echo $photo->getUrl();

Displaying a file on the page using Twig.

<img src="{{ model.avatar.url }}" alt="Description Image" />

# Accessing the Local Path

The getLocalPath method will return an absolute path of an uploaded file in the local filesystem. If using an external driver such as S3, this method will download the contents to a temporary location in the local filesystem.

echo $model->avatar->getLocalPath();

# Resizing Thumbs

You can resize an image with the getThumbUrl method. The method takes 3 parameters - image width, image height and the options parameter.

The width and height parameters should be specified as a number or as the auto word for the automatic proportional scaling.

echo $model->avatar->getThumbUrl(100, 100, ['mode' => 'crop']);

Displaying an image on the page using Twig.

<img src="{{ model.avatar.thumbUrl(100, 100, { mode: 'exact', quality: 80, extension: 'webp' }) }}" alt="Description Image" />

Read more about the available options for getThumbUrl on the image resizer article.

# Output and Download

To output the file contents directly, use the output method, this return a response object that will include the necessary headers for displaying the file in a browser.

return $model->avatar->output();

You can output the contents to the browser by chaining the send method.


Return the download method to download the file as a response.

return $model->avatar->download();

# Usage Example

This section shows a full usage example of the model attachments feature - from defining the relation in a model to displaying the uploaded image on a page.

Inside your model define a relationship to the System\Models\File class, for example:

class Post extends Model
    public $attachOne = [
        'featured_image' => \System\Models\File::class

Build a form for uploading a file:

<?= Form::open(['files' => true]) ?>

    <input name="example_file" type="file">

    <button type="submit">Upload File</button>

<?= Form::close() ?>

Process the uploaded file on the server and attach it to a model:

// Find the Blog Post model
$post = Post::find(1);

// Save the featured image of the Blog Post model
if (Input::hasFile('example_file')) {
    $post->featured_image = Input::file('example_file');

Alternatively, you can use deferred binding to defer the relationship.

// Find the Blog Post model
$post = Post::find(1);

// Look for the postback data 'example_file' in the HTML form above
$fileFromPost = Input::file('example_file');

// If it exists, save it as the featured image with a deferred session key
if ($fileFromPost) {
    $post->featured_image()->create(['data' => $fileFromPost], $sessionKey);

Display the uploaded file on a page:

// Find the Blog Post model again
$post = Post::find(1);

// Look for the featured image address, otherwise use a default one
if ($post->featured_image) {
    $featuredImage = $post->featured_image->getUrl();
else {
    $featuredImage = '';

<img src="<?= $featuredImage ?>" alt="Featured Image" />

If you need to access the owner of a file, you can use the attachment property of the File model:

public $morphTo = [
    'attachment' => []


$user = $file->attachment;

For more information read the polymorphic relationships

# Validation Example

The example below uses array validation to validate $attachMany relationships.

use System\Models\File;
use Model;

class Gallery extends Model
    use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation;

    public $attachMany = [
        'photos' => File::class

    public $rules = [
        'photos' => ['required'],
        'photos.*' => ['image', 'max:1000', 'dimensions:min_width=100,min_height=100'],

For more information on the attribute.* syntax used above, see the validation article on validating arrays.