

Form Widget

boxes - renders a box editor for building visual pages and works like a frontend page builder.

This feature is introduced by installing the premium Boxes (opens new window) plugin. Once licensed, you may install it with the following command.

php artisan plugin:install OFFLINE.Boxes

Learn more about the Boxes plugin at the product page (opens new window).

To display the Editor in a Tailor backend form, define a form field like this:

        label: Boxes Content
        span: adaptive  # This makes sure the Boxes Editor looks good in Tailor.
        type: boxes     # This loads the Boxes Editor.

In your frontend, you can then use the render method on your field to get the rendered HTML content:

[section yourSectionVar]
handle = "Your\Handle"
entrySlug = "{{ :slug }}"
{{ yourSectionVar.boxes_content.render|raw }}

# See Also

On This Page