Rich Editor / WYSIWYG Field

Rich Editor / WYSIWYG Field

Form Widget

richeditor - renders a visual editor for rich formatted text, also known as a WYSIWYG editor.

    type: richeditor
    label: Contents

The following field properties are supported and commonly used.

Property Description
label a name when displaying the form field to the user.
default specifies a default string value, optional.
comment places a descriptive comment below the field.
toolbarButtons buttons to show on the editor toolbar. Example: bold|italic
size specifies a field size for fields that use it, for example, the textarea field. Options: tiny, small, large, huge, giant.
showMargins set to true to include resizable document margins. Default: false.
useLineBreaks uses line breaks instead of paragraph wrappers for each new line. Default false.
editorOptions custom editor options used by the editor control as an array (advanced).

You may specify how large the field size should be with the size property.

    type: richeditor
    label: Contents
    size: huge

Use the toolbarButtons property to specify custom buttons.

    type: richeditor
    label: Contents
    toolbarButtons: bold|italic|underline

The double-pipe || character can be used to include a separator with the buttons.

toolbarButtons: bold|italic|underline||insertPageLink||undo|redo||clearFormatting

The available toolbar buttons are:

  • fullscreen
  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • strikeThrough
  • subscript
  • superscript
  • fontFamily
  • fontSize
  • color
  • emoticons
  • inlineStyle
  • paragraphStyle
  • paragraphFormat
  • align
  • formatOL
  • formatUL
  • outdent
  • indent
  • quote
  • insertHR
  • insertLink
  • insertPageLink
  • insertImage
  • insertVideo
  • insertAudio
  • insertFile
  • insertTable
  • insertSnippet
  • undo
  • redo
  • clearFormatting
  • selectAll
  • html

The | character will insert a vertical separator line in the toolbar.

# Registering a Custom Button

The following JavaScript code can be used to register a custom button as a command.

oc.richEditorRegisterButton('insertCustomThing', {
    title: 'Insert Something',
    icon: '<i class="icon-star"></i>',
    undo: true,
    focus: true,
    refreshOnCallback: true,
    callback: function () {
        this.html.insert('<strong>My Custom Thing!</strong>');

Then add the button to the default collection.

oc.richEditorButtons.splice(0, 0, 'insertCustomThing');

When registering the JavaScript, it should come after the assets registered by the Rich Editor. You may extend the RichEditor class constructor to achieve this.

\Backend\FormWidgets\RichEditor::extend(function($controller) {

# Trigger a Modal from a Custom Button

Use the oc.popup JavaScript function to open a modal window.

    handler: 'onLoadPopup'

Use the backend.ajax.beforeRunHandler to register a global AJAX handler. The makePartial method can be called to render a partial with the modal contents inside.

Event::listen('backend.ajax.beforeRunHandler', function ($controller, $handler) {
    if ($handler === 'onLoadPopup') {
        return $controller->makePartial('~/path/to/my/partials/_popup_form.php');

# Advanced Editor Options

Use the editorOptions property to customize the editor options. This is an advanced property, since all options defined here are proxied directly to the editor control.

    type: richeditor
        imageDefaultWidth: 0

Some example options are listed below.

Option Description
imageDefaultWidth Sets the default width of the image when it is inserted in the rich text editor. Setting it to 0 will not set any width. Default: 300.
imageDefaultAlign Sets the default image alignment when it is inserted in the rich text editor. Possible values are left, center and right. Default: center.
imageDefaultDisplay Sets the default display for an image when is is inserted in the rich text. Possible options are: inline and block. Default: block
imageResize Disables image resize when set to false. Default: true
imagePaste Allows pasting images from clipboard. Default: true