Filter Scopes

Filter Scopes

Learn how to filter lists using scopes.

Filter Scopes are scope definitions used by filters, often in conjunction with a list. Similar to list columns these are referenced by the following areas:

All filter scopes are identified as their individual type property.

        type: date
        # ...

# Available Scopes

The following filter scopes are available:

# Scope Properties

For each scope you can specify these properties (where applicable).

Property Description
label a name when displaying the filter scope to the user.
type defines how this scope should be displayed. Default: group.
conditions enables or disables condition functions or specifies a raw where query statement to apply to each condition, see the scope type definition for details.
modelClass class of the model to use as a data source and reference for local method calls.
modelScope specifies a query scope method defined in the list model to apply to the list query. The first argument will contain the query object (as per a regular scope method) and the second argument will contain the scope definition, including its populated value(s).
options options to use if filtering by multiple items, supplied as an array.
optionsMethod request options from a method name defined on the model or as a static method call, eg Class::method.
emptyOption an optional label for an intentional empty selection.
default supply a default value for the filter, as either array, string or integer depending on the filter value.
permissions the permissions that the current backend user must have in order for the filter scope to be used. Supports either a string for a single permission or an array of permissions of which only one is needed to grant access.
dependsOn a string or an array of other scope names that this scope depends on. When the other scopes are modified, this scope will reset.
nameFrom a model attribute name used for displaying the filter label. Default: name.
valueFrom defines a model attribute to use for the source value. Default comes from the scope name.
order a numerical weight when determining the display order, default value increments at 100 points per scope.
after place this scope after another existing scope name using the display order (+1).
before place this scope before another existing scope name using the display order (-1).

# Applying Model Scopes

Most filters will apply their scoped constraints using sensible defaults. The modelScope property can be used to apply custom constraints to the filter query using a model scope method definition.

    label: My Filter
    type: group
    modelScope: applyMyFilter

In the above example, we expect a relation on the primary model called myfilter and a method defined named scopeApplyMyFilter on the related model. The second argument contains the second argument will contain the scope definition, including its populated value(s).

public function scopeApplyMyFilter($query, $scope)
    return $query->whereIn('my_filter_attribute', (array) $scope->value);

The modelScope property can also be defined as a static PHP class method (Class::method).

    label: My Filter
    type: group
    modelScope: "App\MyCustomClass::applyMyFilter"

In this example, the method should be declared statically on the specified class name.

namespace App;

class MyCustomClass
    public static function applyMyFilter($query, $scope)
        return $query->whereIn('my_filter_attribute', (array) $scope->value);

# Scope Dependencies

The dependsOn property allows you to link multiple filters together. When a dependency is modified, the filter scope will reset to allow for new conditions. Take the following example of two scope definitions.

    label: Country
    type: group

    label: State
    type: group
    dependsOn: country
    optionsMethod: getCityOptionsForFilter

The state scope depends on the value of the country scope, and the options are filtered in PHP using the getCityOptionsForFilter method. The first argument of this method will contain the entire set of scope definitions, including their current values.

public function getCityOptionsForFilter($scopes = null)
    if ($scopes->country && ($countryIds = $scopes->country->value)) {
        return self::whereIn('country_id', $countryIds)->lists('name', 'id');

    return self::lists('name', 'id');