

Filter Scope

dropdown - filter using a single selection of multiple items.

    type: dropdown
        pending: Pending
        active: Active
        closed: Closed

The following properties are available for the filter.

Property Description
options available options for the filter, as an array.
optionsMethod take options from a method defined on the model or as a static method, eg Class::method.
conditions a custom SQL select statement to use for the filter.
emptyOption text to display when there is no available selections.
modelScope applies a query scope method to the filter query, can be a model method name or a static PHP class method (Class::method). The first argument will contain the model query that the widget will be attaching its value to, i.e. the parent model.

You may pass custom SQL to the conditions as a string where :value contains the filtered value.

    type: dropdown
    conditions: status = :value
    # ...

The dropdown filter does not display a label, the emptyOption property can be used to set the default state.

    type: dropdown
    emptyOption: Select Status
    # ...

# PHP Interface

You may define a custom modelScope in the model using the following example.

    label: Status
    type: dropdown
    modelScope: applyStatusCode
        active: Active
        deleted: Deleted

The scopeApplyStatusCode method definition where the value is found in $scope->value.

public function scopeApplyStatusCode($query, $scope)
    if ($scope->value === 'active') {
        return $query->withoutTrashed();

    if ($scope->value === 'deleted') {
        return $query->onlyTrashed();

You may dynamically supply options by passing a model method to the optionsMethod property.

    label: Status
    type: dropdown
    optionsMethod: getStatusOptions

The getStatusOptions method definition.

public function getStatusOptions()
    return [
        'active' => 'Active',
        'deleted' => 'Deleted',
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