

Filter Scope

group - filter using a group of multiple items, usually by a related model or an array of predefined options.

To filter by a model, specify the modelClass and nameFrom properties to specify which model and attribute to use.

    label: Role
    type: group
    nameFrom: name
    modelClass: October\Test\Models\Role

The following properties are available for the filter.

Property Description
options available options for the filter, as an array.
optionsMethod take options from a method defined on the model or as a static method, eg Class::method.
conditions a custom SQL select statement to use for the filter.
nameFrom the column name to use in the model class, used for displaying the name. Default: name.
modelClass class of the model to use for the available filter records.
modelScope applies a model scope method to the filter query.

To filter by an array, specify an options property.

    label: Role
    type: group
        developer: Developer
        publisher: Publisher

You may pass custom SQL to the conditions as a string where :value contains the filtered value.

    label: Role
    type: group
    conditions: role in (:value)
    # ...

You may also pass a default value as an array with selected keys.

    # ...
        - developer
        - publisher

# PHP Interface

You may define a custom modelScope in the model using the following example.

    label: Role
    type: group
    nameFrom: name
    modelClass: October\Test\Models\Role
    modelScope: groupFilter

The scopeGroupFilter method definition where the value is found in $scope->value.

public function scopeGroupFilter($query, $scope)
    return $query->whereHas('roles', function($q) use ($scope) {
        $q->whereIn('id', $scope->value);

You may dynamically supply options by passing a model method to the optionsMethod property.

    label: Role
    type: group
    nameFrom: name
    modelClass: October\Test\Models\Role
    optionsMethod: getRoleGroupOptions

The getRoleGroupOptions method definition.

public function getRoleGroupOptions()
    return $this->whereNull('parent_id')->pluck('name', 'id')->all();
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