

Filter Scope

date - filer using a date value using equals, between, before and after condition logic.

    label: Created
    type: date

The following properties are available for the filter.

Property Description
minDate the minimum/earliest date that can be selected.
maxDate the maximum/latest date that can be selected.
firstDay the first day of the week. Default: 0 (Sunday).
showWeekNumber show week numbers at head of row. Default: false
useTimezone convert the date and time from the backend specified timezone preference. Default: true
conditions for each condition, set to true or false to make it available, or as a string, can be custom SQL statement for selected conditions. Default: true.

The following conditions are available for filtering.

Condition Description
equals is within the selected date from start to end of day
notEquals is not within the selected date from start to end of day
between is between the two selected dates
before is before the selected date
after is after the selected date

The filtered value is automatically converted to the backend timezone preference, you may disable this using the useTimezone option.

    label: Created
    type: date
    useTimezone: false

To only allow finding the exact date pass equals as a condition. To find results that contain any part of the text pass between, before or after to the conditions instead.

    label: Created
    type: date
        equals: true

You may pass a default value, ensuring it is wrapped in quotes to represent a string.

    label: Created
    type: date
    default: '2020-01-02'

You may set the minDate and maxDate to determine the minimum and maximum available date range.

    label: Date
    type: date
    minDate: '2001-01-23'
    maxDate: '2030-10-13'

You may pass custom SQL to the conditions as a string with supporting values.

    label: Created
    type: date
        before: created_at <= :value
        between: created_at >= :after AND created_at <= :before

The following parameters are supported.

  • :value: selected date formatted as Y-m-d 00:00:00
  • :valueDate: selected date formatted as Y-m-d
  • :before: before date formatted as Y-m-d 00:00:00
  • :beforeDate: before date formatted as Y-m-d
  • :after: afterwards date formatted as Y-m-d 00:00:00
  • :afterDate: afterwards date formatted as Y-m-d

# PHP Interface

For access in PHP, you may define a custom modelScope in the model using the following example.

    label: Created
    type: date
    modelScope: dateFilter

The scopeDateFilter method definition with values found in $scope->value, $scope->before and $scope->after.

function scopeDateFilter($query, $scope)
    if ($scope->condition === 'equals') {
        $query->where('created_at', $scope->value);
    elseif ($scope->condition === 'notEquals') {
        $query->where('created_at', '<>', $scope->value);
    elseif ($scope->condition === 'between') {
            ->where('created_at', '>=', $scope->after)
            ->where('created_at', '<=', $scope->before);
    elseif ($scope->condition === 'after') {
        $query->where('created_at', '>=', $scope->value);
    else {
        $query->where('created_at', '<=', $scope->value);
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