Available Icons
List of all the icons available to use.
October CMS ships with its own icon library and also includes third-party libraries to make finding a suitable icon quick and easy.
# Phosphor Icons
The Phosphor Icon pack (opens new window) is available to use in the administration panel. This library provides a flexible collection of icons for everyday use.
<i class="ph ph-laptop"></i>
When used as an icon definition, the icon name contains both the ph
and ph-
icon: ph ph-laptop
# October Icons
The October Icon pack is a custom icon library with icons of various descriptions. The pack is primarily used by the core features and may be updated from time to time.
<i class="icon-october"></i>
When used as an icon definition, the icon name contains only the icon-
icon: icon-october
# Available October Icons
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- app-windowCopied!
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- text-decrease-indentCopied!
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- text-redoCopied!
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- text-paint-brushCopied!
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- text-usersCopied!
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- common-file-uploadCopied!
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- calendar-emptyCopied!
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- calendar-timesCopied!
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- hand-pointerCopied!
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- hand-spockCopied!
- hand-stopCopied!
- handshakeCopied!
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- level-downCopied!
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- map-signsCopied!
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- mars-stroke-vCopied!
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- minus-squareCopied!
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- motorcycleCopied!
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- photoCopied!
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- plus-squareCopied!
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- rubleCopied!
- rupeeCopied!
- s15Copied!
- safariCopied!
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- search-plusCopied!
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- share-squareCopied!
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- shieldCopied!
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- shopping-cartCopied!
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- yenCopied!