

Filter Scope

number - filter using a numeric value using exact, between, greater and lesser condition logic.

    label: Age
    type: number
        greater: true

The following properties are available for the filter.

Property Description
default specifies a default value for the filter.
conditions for each condition, set to true or false to make it available, or as a string, can be custom SQL statement for selected conditions. Default: true.
modelScope applies a query scope method to the filter query, can be a model method name or a static PHP class method (Class::method). The first argument will contain the model that the widget will be attaching its value to, i.e. the parent model.

The following conditions are available for filtering.

Condition Description
exact is matching the exact number
between is between two supplied numbers
greater is greater than the supplied number
lesser is less than the supplied number

You may set default value to set the default filter value.

    label: Age
    type: number
    default: 14

You may pass custom SQL to the conditions as a string where :value, :min and :max contain the filtered values.

    label: Age
    type: number
        greater: age >= :value
        between: age >= :min and age <= :max

# PHP Interface

You may define a custom modelScope in the model using the following example.

    label: Age
    type: number
    modelScope: numberFilter

The scopeNumberFilter method definition with values found in $scope->value, $scope->min and $scope->max.

function scopeNumberFilter($query, $scope)
    if ($scope->condition === 'equals') {
        $query->where('age', $scope->value);
    elseif ($scope->condition === 'between') {
            ->where('age', '>=', $scope->min)
            ->where('age', '<=', $scope->max);
    elseif ($scope->condition === 'greater') {
        $query->where('age', '>=', $scope->value);
    else {
        $query->where('age', '<=', $scope->value);
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