Content Fields

Content Fields

Get started by defining form fields for your content.

You may build custom content fields by extending tailor.

Content Fields are the cornerstone of the Tailor module and define how a field should be configured and displayed. These definitions are often found under the fields property of a blueprint.

        label: Full Name
        type: text

A complete list of available fields can be found in the Backend Elements section.

For each field you can specify these common properties, where applicable.

Property Description
label a name when displaying the form field to the user.
shortLabel a shorter label to use in lists and filters.
type defines how this field should be rendered, see form field definitions. Default: text.
span aligns the form field to one side. Options: auto, left, right, row, full, adaptive. Default: full.
spanClass used with the span row option to display the form as a Bootstrap grid, for example, spanClass: col-4.
size specifies a field size for fields that use it, for example, the textarea field.
placeholder if the field supports a placeholder value.
comment places a descriptive comment below the field.
commentAbove places a comment above the field.
commentHtml allow HTML markup inside the comment. Default: false.
default specify the default value for the field. For dropdown, checkboxlist, radio and balloon-selector widgets, you may specify an option key here to have it selected by default.
tab assigns the field to a tab.
validation defines validation rules for the form field, see the validation article for rule definitions.
trigger specify conditions for this field using trigger events.
preset allows the field value to be initially set by the value of another field, converted using the input preset converter.
translatable disables translation for this field when using the multisite in the blueprint definition.

# List and Filter Properties

When it comes to displaying a field in a list or filter, each field has its own default settings. You may override these settings on a per field basis and this is suitable for minor adjustments. For more complex use cases, we recommend defining columns and scopes separately from the fields (see below).

Property Description
column defines how to display the field in a list, see list column definitions.
scope defines how to display the field in a filter, see filter scope definitions.

# Field Configuration

An example can be specifying a different label for each using the column or scope properties of the field.

    label: Form Label
        label: List Label
        label: Filter Label

If the are set to false then the field will disable and prevent it from being displayed.

    label: Form Label
    column: false
    scope: false

The column type can be set to invisible to make it hidden from the list by default.

    label: Form Label
    column: invisible

# External Configuration

You may define the scopes and columns separately from the form fields by using the columns and scopes property in the blueprint. When using external configuration, the default view will be replaced by only the defined fields.

        label: Filter Label
        # [...]

        label: List Label
        # [...]

        label: Form Label
        # [...]

A fields definition must exist for a columns or scopes definition to be valid. To hide the definition from the form, use hidden: true to hide it from the form, and then hidden: false to display it in the column or scope.

List columns have short-hand values that can be used. Passing a string will replace the label, passing true will include the default column, passing false will remove the column and passing invisible will make the column invisible.

    myfield: List Label   # New Label
    myfield: true         # Shown
    myfield: false        # Hidden
    myfield: invisible    # Invisible
    myfield: [...]        # Config Array

Filter scopes have a similar short-hand values to the list columns that can be used.

    myfield: Filter Label # New Label
    myfield: true         # Shown
    myfield: false        # Hidden
    myfield: [...]        # Config Array

# Form Field Validation

You may specify validation rules for form fields using the validation field property, see the validation article for rule definitions.

        label: Featured Text
        validation: "required|min:15"

Validation rules can also be defined externally in the blueprint file using the validation blueprint property. This allows you to set custom attribute names and validation messages.

        myfield: "required|min:15"
        myfield: My Field
        myfield.min: "My field has to be at least 15 characters long"

        label: Form Label
        # [...]

The unique validation rule is automatically configured and does not require a table name to be specified.

    label: Unique Field
    validation: unique

The required validation rule supports create and update modifiers to only apply when a model is created or updated respectively. The following is only required when the model does not already exist.

    label: Password
    validation: "required:create"

# Modifying Core Fields

Each blueprint record has several core fields as defined by attributes on the model. You can modify these fields under certain conditions.

An Entry is enabled by default; however, you can modify this by specifying a new default value for the is_enabled field.

        default: false

The title field placeholder is generated based on the blueprint name; however, you can customize this to something more useful depending on the use case. For example, First and Last Name, Event Title or Location Name.

        placeholder: Event Title

In some cases the title field may not be required, such as using a single blueprint,you may set the hidden property to true. Hiding the title will disable the in-built validation for this field.

        hidden: true

# See Also