File Uploads

File Uploads

Easily handle uploading files.

October CMS provides simple features for uploading files through form submissions. The feature is opt-in to the AJAX framework for the best performance.

# Uploading Files

To enable file uploads on a form, include the data-request-files attribute on a HTML form tag. The following is a minimal example uploading a file.

<form data-request="onUploadFiles" data-request-files>
        <label>Single File</label>
        <input name="single_file" type="file">

    <button data-attach-loading>

View the request and input article to learn more about the available methods on the files() function.

Inside your AJAX handler, use the files() helper function to access the uploaded file, and call the store method to save the file to a storage disk. The resulting value is the local file path to the saved file.

The following stores the upload in the storage/app/userfiles directory using a generated file name.

function onUploadFiles()
    $filePath = files('single_file')->store('userfiles');

    // ...

    Flash::success('File saved');

# Uploading Multiple Files

When the multiple attribute is included with the file input, the files() helper will return an array instead.

    <label>Multi File</label>
    <input name="multi_file[]" type="file" multiple>
function onUploadFiles()
    $filePaths = [];

    foreach (files('multi_file') as $file) {
        $filePaths[] = $file->store('userfiles');

    // ...

    Flash::success('File saved');

# Validating File Uploads

Just like regular form validation, files can be validated using the Request facade and validate method. Use the .* suffix when validating multiple items. The following checks that the uploaded file is an image and not greater than 1MB in size.

function onUploadFiles()
        'single_file' => 'required|image|max:1024',
        'multi_file.*' => 'required|image|max:1024',

    Flash::success('Files are valid!');

# Uploading to Models

When working with models that are configured to use file attachments, including Tailor models that use the File upload widget, you save file uploads directly on the model.

The simplest approach is to set the attribute on the model directly using the files() helper. This supports singular and multiple file uploads.

function onUploadFiles()
    $model = new MyModel;

    $model->avatar = files('single_file');


    // ...

    Flash::success('File saved');

You may also set the attribute to a System\Models\File model object directly for various use cases.

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromFile('/path/to/somefile.jpg');

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromData('Some content', 'sometext.txt');

$model->avatar = (new File)->fromUrl('https://example.tld/path/to/avatar.jpg');

See the file attachments article to learn more about working with model-based file attachments.

# See Also