

Form Field

The textarea field renders a multiline text box.

    type: textarea
    label: Contents

The following field properties are supported and commonly used.

Property Description
title title for the form field.
default specifies a default string value, optional.
placeholder text to display when the field is empty.
comment places a descriptive comment below the field.
size the field size in height. Supported values: tiny, small, large, huge, giant. Default: large.

You may specify how large the field size should be with the size property.

    type: textarea
    label: Contents
    size: large

You may use the default property to set a default value.

    type: textarea
    label: Details
    default: I like turtles

Use the placeholder property to assign some placeholder text.

    type: textarea
    label: Point
    placeholder: Type some key points are you trying to make
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