Radio List

Radio List

Form Field

The radio field renders a list of radio options, where only one item can be selected at a time. Radio fields support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown field type.

    type: radio
    label: Access Level
        all: All
        registered: Registered only
        guests: Guests only

The following field properties are commonly used.

Property Description
label a name when displaying the form field to the user.
default a default value to use for new records.
options available options for the radio list, as an array.
optionsMethod take options from a method defined on the model or as a static method, eg Class::method.
cssClass used for setting the options as inline.
inlineOptions display the options side-by-side instead of stacked.

You may use the default property to set a default value, where the value is the key of the option.

    type: radio
    label: Access Level
    default: guests

In addition to a simple arrays, radio lists support a secondary description as part of their options.

    type: radio
    label: Access Level
        all: [All, Guests and customers will be able to access this page.]
        registered: [Registered only, Only logged in member will be able to access this page.]
        guests: [Guests only, Only guest users will be able to access this page.]

To visually display the options side-by-side instead of stacked, set the inlineOptions property to a true value.

    type: radio
    label: Access Level
    inlineOptions: true

# Dynamic Options

Radio lists support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown field type.

In addition to these definitions, for radio lists, the method could return either the simple array: key => value or an array of arrays for providing the descriptions: key => [label, description].

public function listAccessLevels($fieldName, $value, $formData)
    return [
        'all' => ['All', 'Guests and customers will be able to access this page.'],
        // ...

# See Also

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