

Configurable controllers that can be attached to any page, partial or layout.

Components are a key feature of building scalable and modern solutions with October CMS. Each component implements some functionality that extends your website. Components can output HTML markup on a page, but it is not necessary - other important features of components are handling AJAX requests, handling form postbacks and handling the page execution cycle, that allows to inject variables to pages or implement the website security.

This article describes the components basics and doesn't explain how to use components with AJAX, developing components as part of plugins, or the components included with October CMS.

# Introduction

Components can be found in the Editor in the admin panel. You can add components to your pages, partials and layouts by clicking the Components toolbar button on any open document. If you use a text editor you can attach a component to a page or layout by adding its name to the configuration section of the template file. The next example demonstrates how to add a demo To-Do component to a page.

title = "Components demonstration"
url = "/components"

maxItems = 20
<!-- HTML Content Here -->

This initializes the component with the properties that are defined in the component section. Many components have properties, but it is not a requirement. Some properties are required, and some properties have default values. If you are not sure what properties are supported by a component, refer to the documentation provided by the developer, or use the Inspector in the Editor admin panel. The Inspector opens when you click a component in the page or layout component panel.

If two components with the same name are assigned to a page and layout together, the page component will take priority.

When you refer a component, it automatically creates a page variable that matches the component name (demoTodo in the previous example). Components that provide HTML markup can be rendered on a page with the {% component %} tag, like the following.

{% component 'demoTodo' %}

Using components inside partials has limited functionality, this is described in more detail in the Dynamic Partials section of the documentation.

# Components Aliases

If there are two plugins that register components with the same name, you can attach a component by using its fully qualified class name and assigning it an alias.

[October\Demo\Components\Todo demoTodoAlias]
maxItems = 20

The first parameter in the section is the class name, the second is the component alias name that will be used when attached to the page. If you specified a component alias you should use it everywhere in the page code when you refer to the component. Note that the next example refers to the component alias:

{% component 'demoTodoAlias' %}

The aliases also allow you to define multiple components of the same class on a same page by using the short name first and an alias second. This lets you to use multiple instances of a same component on a page.

[demoTodo todoA]
maxItems = 10
[demoTodo todoB]
maxItems = 20

# Using External Property Values

By default property values are initialized in the Configuration section where the component is defined, and the property values are static, like this:

maxItems = 20

However there is a way to initialize properties with values loaded from external parameters - URL parameters or partial parameters (for components defined in partials). Use the {{ paramName }} syntax for values that should be loaded from partial variables:

maxItems = {{ maxItems }}

Assuming that in the example above the component demoTodo is defined in a partial, it will be initialized with a value loaded from the maxItems partial variable:

{% partial 'my-todo-partial' maxItems='10' %}

You may use dot notation to retrieve a deeply nested value from an external parameter:

maxItems = {{ data.maxItems }}

To load a property value from the URL parameter, use the {{ :paramName }} syntax, where the name starts with a colon (:), for example.

maxItems = {{ :maxItems }}

The page that the component belongs to should have a corresponding URL parameter defined.

url = "/todo/:maxItems"

In the October back-end you can use the Inspector tool for assigning external values to component properties. In the Inspector you don't need to use the curly brackets to enter the parameter name. Each field in the Inspector has an icon on the right side, which opens the external parameter name editor. Enter the parameter name as paramName for partial variables or :paramName for URL parameters.

# Passing Variables to Components

Components can be designed to use variables at the time they are rendered, similar to Partial variables, they can be specified after the component name in the {% component %} tag. The specified variables will explicitly override the value of the component properties, including external property values.

In this example, the maxItems property of the component will be set to 7 at the time the component is rendered:

{% component 'demoTodoAlias' maxItems='7' %}

# Customizing Default Markup

The default markup in a component is boilerplate code, with the aim to provide a simple example of how it can be used.

There are two ways to customize the default markup of a component:

  • copy the default markup in to your theme
  • override a component partial one at a time

Overriding a component partial has a very limited subset of uses. In most cases, converting a component's partial to a CMS partial is much easier, and there is little difference in doing it this way.

As an example, take a look at a blog component rendered like this.

{% component 'blog' %}

The code above is effectively the same as doing this.

{% partial 'blog::default' %}

If you copy the default.htm partial from the component to your theme as a blog-default.htm partial, you can render it the same way.

{% partial 'blog-default' %}

Here we can see it simple to use CMS partials to customize the content, and it demonstrates the true power of components. There are only rare cases where the theme should override components partials and this is covered in more detail below.

# Moving Default Markup to a Partial

Each component will have an entry point partial called default.htm that is rendered when the {% component %} tag is called, in the following example we will assume the component is called blogPost.

url = "blog/post"

{% component "blogPost" %}

The output will be rendered from the plugin directory components/blogpost/default.htm. You can copy all the markup from this file and paste it directly in the page or to a new partial, called blog-post.htm for example.

<h1>{{ }}</h1>
<p>{{ }}</p>

Inside the markup you may notice references to a variable called __SELF__, this refers to the component object and should be replaced with the component alias used on the page, in this example it is blogPost.

<h1>{{ }}</h1>
<p>{{ }}</p>

This is the only change needed to allow the default component markup to work anywhere inside the theme. Now the component markup can be customized and rendered using the theme partial.

{% partial 'blog-post' %}

This process can be repeated for all other partials found in the component partial directory.

# Overriding Component Partials

All component partials can be overridden using the theme partials. This is useful when a component has a strict implementation and introduces as an option to configure specific areas of its markup.

As an example, if a component called channel uses the title.htm partial.

url = "mypage"

{% component "channel" %}

We can override the partial by creating a file in our theme called partials/channel/title.htm.

The file path segments are broken down like this:

Segment Description
partials the theme partials directory
channel the component alias (a partial subdirectory)
title.htm the component partial to override

The partial subdirectory name can be customized to anything by simply assigning the component an alias of the same name. For example, by assigning the channel component with a different alias foobar the override directory is also changed.

[channel foobar]
{% component "foobar" %}

Now we can override the title.htm partial by creating a file in our theme called partials/foobar/title.htm instead.

# The "View Bag" Component

The viewBag component is hidden in the backend panel and is only available for file-based editing. It can also be used by other plugins to store data.

There is a special component included in October CMS called viewBag that can be used on any page or layout. It allows ad hoc properties to be defined and accessed inside the markup area easily as variables. A good usage example is defining an active menu item inside a page.

title = "About"
url = "/about.html"
layout = "default"

activeMenu = "about"
<p>Page content...</p>

Any property defined for the component is then made available inside the page, layout, or partial markup using the viewBag variable. For example, in this layout the active class is added to the list item if the viewBag.activeMenu value is set to about.

description = "Default layout"

<!-- Main navigation -->
    <li class="{{ viewBag.activeMenu == 'about' ? 'active' }}">About</li>

# AJAX Handlers and Partials

Components may introduce AJAX handlers and partials to the a theme's life cycle, using a prefix of the component name and two :: symbols. For example, all the AJAX handlers defined by components are available globally.


However, if there is a conflict in naming, the fully qualified name can be used.


Partials rendered from outside the component must use their fully qualified name.

{% partial 'componentName::component-partial' %}

Read more on component development to learn about component partials.

# See Also