

Define a website section with a dedicated URL.

The section component defines a website section with a supporting entry. This section will be used when previewing the entry from the backend panel.

# Available Properties

The following properties are supported by the component.

Property Description
handle The handle of the entry blueprint.
identifier Use this identifier key to look up the entry, supported values are slug, fullslug or id. Default: slug
value Use this identifier value to use to look up the entry, optional. Leave empty to use the identifier key as the URL parameter name. Can be set to a hard coded value, or a custom parameter, eg: {{ :slug }}
isDefault Make this the default page when previewing the entry. Default: true.

# Basic Usage

The following creates a section for the Blog\Author entry and locates it using the default :slug URL parameter. The author name is displayed as a title by accessing the {{ section.title }} Twig variable.

url = "author/:slug"

handle = "Blog\Author"
<h1>Posts by {{ section.title }}</h1>

When multiple sections are used on the same page, the component alias can be used to assign a different the variable name available to the page. The following component alias author makes the title available using the {{ author.title }} Twig variable instead.

[section author]
handle = "Blog\Author"
<h1>Posts by {{ author.title }}</h1>

# Changing the Lookup Identifier

The default identifier is slug and this can be changed by changing the identifier property, for example, locating a record using the id column instead. Notice that the page URL also changes to use an :id parameter name.

url = "author/:id"

handle = "Blog\Author"
identifier = "id"

You may hard code the identifier lookup using the value property, for example, setting it to 7 will show the record with a static lookup.

url = "author/ceo"

handle = "Blog\Author"
identifier = "id"
value = 7

The value property also accepts external parameters, the following uses the foobar URL parameter to look up the record.

url = "author/:foobar"

handle = "Blog\Author"
identifier = "id"
value = "{{ :foobar }}"

Previewing links and using the Page Finder widget do not support identifiers with custom values.

# Checking Record Existence

In most cases you will want to display a 404 page when a record cannot be found. This is possible by using an {% if %} statement combined with the abort(404) function.

{% if author is empty %}
    {% do abort(404) %}
{% endif %}

The abort() Twig function is used to show a 404 page when the record is not found.

# Accessing the Entry Type

When using the Content Groups feature of the entry blueprint, you may access the group code using the content_group attribute. For example, a post may have a content group of regular_post and markdown_post where the content is handled differently.

{% if post.content_group == 'markdown_post' %}
    <!-- Render content as Markdown -->
    {{ post.content|md }}
{% else %}
    <!-- Render content as HTML -->
    {{ post.content|raw }}
{% endif %}

# Using the Full Slug

If the entry type is a structure, then it will have a fullslug attribute available. To use the full slug in the page URL it should be defined as a wildcard URL parameter. The identifier property of the component should be set to fullslug.

url = "/wiki/:fullslug*"

[section article]
handle = "Wiki\Article"
identifier = "fullslug"

As an alternative approach, we recommend targeting the id and placing it at the end of the URL instead. This allows the record to be moved around freely without breaking links in your website. The following example shows how to achieve this with a redirect for any previously used URLs.

url = "/wiki/:fullslug*/:id"

[section article]
handle = "Wiki\Article"
identifier = "id"
{% if article is empty %}
    {% do abort(404) %}
{% elseif article.fullslug != this.param.fullslug %}
    {% do redirect(this|page({ fullslug: article.fullslug }), 301) %}
{% endif %}

<!-- Contents here -->

The redirect() Twig function is used for a permanent 301 redirect when the slug does not match. The |page Twig filter supplies the current page and rewrites the fullslug URL parameter to the correct match.