Site Manager

Site Manager

# Introduction

The global Site facade is included with October CMS to provide tools for working with multisite implementations. All optional multisite features are enabled or disabled using the configuration file config/multisite.php.

'features' => [
    'cms_maintenance_setting' => false,
    // ...

The hasFeature is used to check if a specific multisite feature is enabled.

$useMultisite = Site::hasFeature('cms_maintenance_setting');

# Checking Site Configuration State

Use the hasAnySite to check if any enabled site is available.

if (Site::hasAnySite()) {
    // ...

The hasMultiSite will return true if multiple site definitions are available.

if (Site::hasMultiSite()) {
    // ...

The hasSiteGroups will return true if multiple site definitions are using grouped definitions.

if (Site::hasSiteGroups()) {
    // ...

# Retrieving a Site

Requesting a site will return a System\Models\SiteDefinition instance, with available attributes loaded from the cache driver or database.

The getPrimarySite method returns the primary site definition, used as a fallback for every occasion.

$site = Site::getPrimarySite();

The frontend theme has a selected site that is used when rendering CMS pages, the getActiveSite site will return this site.

$site = Site::getActiveSite();

Likewise, the admin panel can select a site and this can be retrieved using the getEditSite method.

$site = Site::getEditSite();

To look up a site by its unique ID, use the getSiteFromId with the identifier.

$siteFour = Site::getSiteFromId(4);

To look up a site using its locale code, use the getSiteForLocale passing it the desired locale.

$frenchSite = Site::getSiteForLocale('fr');

# Accessing Multiple Sites

If multiple sites are returned, it will be as a populated instance of the October\Rain\Database\Collection object.

List all the sites, including disabled sites, with the listSites method.

$sites = Site::listSites();

List only enabled sites with the listEnabled method.

$sites = Site::listEnabled();

List sites enabled in the admin panel using listEditEnabled.

$sites = Site::listEditEnabled();

# Site Context

A site context is used to determine the active site, and this will restrict lookups to that site automatically. In some cases a global state is used to allow access to data across all states.

Use the withContext to change the context to a different site, passing it the ID of the desired site.

Site::withContext(2, function() {
    // Models in site 2 are now available.

Activating the global context is performed using the withGlobalContext and passing it a closure.

Site::withGlobalContext(function() {
    // All models are available in here.

Use the hasGlobalContext method to check if the global state is currently activated.

$global = Site::hasGlobalContext();

# See Also