Building Console Commands

Building Console Commands

Create your own commands that run in the console.

To build your own custom commands for working with your application, store them within the plugin console directory. You may generate the class file using the command line scaffolding tool. The first argument specifies the author and plugin name. The second argument specifies the command name.

php artisan create:command Acme.Blog MyCommand

# Building a Command

If you wanted to create a console command called acme:mycommand, you might create the associated class for that command in a file called plugins/acme/blog/console/MyCommand.php and paste the following contents to get started:

namespace Acme\Blog\Console;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;

class MyCommand extends Command
     * @var string signature for the console command.
    protected $signature = 'acme:mycommand {user}';

     * @var string description for the console command.
    protected $description = 'Does something cool.';

     * handle executes the console command.
    public function handle()
        $username = $this->argument('user');

        $this->output->writeln("Hello {$username}!");

Once your class is created you should fill out the signature and description properties of the class, which will be used when displaying your command on the command list screen.

The handle method will be called when your command is executed. You may place any command logic in this method.

# Defining Arguments

All user supplied arguments and options are wrapped in curly braces in the signature. In the following example, the command defines one required argument: user:

Arguments are defined in the signature as wrapped curly braces, where you may define any arguments your command receives. For example:

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user}';

You may also make arguments optional by placing a question mark (?) after the argument name.

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user?}';

Alternatively, supply a default value with an equal sign (=) followed by the default value.

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user=foo}';

# Defining Options

Options, like arguments, are another form of user input and are defined by two hyphens (--) in the signature. Options can can optionally receive a value, without a value, they serve as a boolean switch value. For example, a switch value named queue.

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user} {--queue}';

In this example, the --queue switch may be specified when calling the command. If the --queue switch is passed, the value of the option will be true. Otherwise, the value will be false.

php artisan mail:send 1 --queue

When an option expects a value, you should suffix the input name with an equal sign (=).

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user} {--queue=}';

In this case, the option can accept a value, otherwise the value will be null.

php artisan mail:send 1 --queue=default

You may also specify a default value with an equal sign (=) followed by the default value.

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user} {--queue=default}';

Shortcuts are a shorter syntax when triggering an option.

protected $signature = 'mail:send {user} {--Q|queue}';

There is an important difference when calling a shortcut. It should be prefixed with a single hyphen (-) and no equal sign is used to supply a value.

php artisan mail:send 1 -Qdefault

# Retrieving Input

While your command is executing, you will obviously need to access the values for the arguments and options accepted by your application. To do so, you may use the argument and option methods.

Supply a name to the argument method to retrieve the value of a command argument.

$value = $this->argument('name');

Without a name, it will retrieve all arguments.

$arguments = $this->argument();

Passing a name to the option method will retrieve the value of a command option.

$value = $this->option('name');

Without a name, it will retrieve all options.

$options = $this->option();

# Writing Output

To send output to the console, you may use the info, comment, question and error methods. Each of these methods will use the appropriate ANSI colors for their purpose.

The info method sends information back to the user.

$this->info('Display this on the screen');

The error method is used for sending an error message.

$this->error('Something went wrong!');

You may also use the ask and confirm methods to prompt the user for input.

$name = $this->ask('What is your name?');

The secret method is used for asking the user for secret input.

$password = $this->secret('What is the password?');

The confirm method asks the user for confirmation and returns true if the user accepts.

if ($this->confirm('Do you wish to continue? [yes|no]')) {

You may also specify a default value to the confirm method, which should be true or false.

$this->confirm($question, true);

# Registering Commands

# Registering a Console Command

Once your command class is finished, you need to register it so it will be available for use. This is typically done in the register method of a plugin registration file using the registerConsoleCommand helper method.

class Blog extends PluginBase
    public function pluginDetails()
        // ...

    public function register()
        $this->registerConsoleCommand('acme.mycommand', \Acme\Blog\Console\MyConsoleCommand::class);

Alternatively, plugins can supply a file named init.php in the plugin directory that you can use to place command registration logic. Within this file, you may use the Artisan::add method to register the command.

Artisan::add(new Acme\Blog\Console\MyCommand);

# Registering a Command in the Application Container

If your command is registered in the application container, you may use the Artisan::resolve method to make it available to Artisan.


# Calling Other Commands

Sometimes you may wish to call other commands from your command. You may do so using the call method.


You can also pass arguments as an array.

$this->call('plugin:refresh', ['name' => 'October.Demo']);

As well as options.

$this->call('october:update', ['--force' => true]);

# See Also