

Inspector Type

The set inspector type is used to make multiple selections from the predefined options. The set inspector type support the same methods for defining the options as the dropdown inspector type.

public function defineProperties()
    return [
        'units' => [
            'title' => 'Select Muitple Units',
            'type' => 'set',
            'items' => [
                'metric' => 'Metric',
                'imperial' => 'Imperial'

The generated output is an array value corresponding to the selected options, for example:

"units": ["metric", "imperial"]

The following configuration values are commonly used and supported.

Property Description
title title for the property.
description a brief description of the property, optional.
items an array of available items as keys and values, optional if defining a get*PropertyName*Options method.
default an array of selected items by default containing keys only.

The default parameter, if specified, should be an array listing item keys selected by default.

public function defineProperties()
    return [
        'context' => [
            'title' => 'Context',
            'type' => 'set',
            'items' => [
                'create' => 'Create',
                'update' => 'Update',
                'preview' => 'Preview'
            'default' => ['create', 'update']

The specify the items dynamically, use create a method called get*PropertyName*Options defined in the model.

public function getContextOptions()
    return ContextModel::pluck('name', 'code')->all();

# See Also

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