Field Conditions

Field Conditions

Learn how to apply conditions to form fields.

Sometimes you may want to manipulate the value or appearance of a form field under certain conditions, for example, you may want to hide an input if a checkbox is ticked or preset the value of another field.

# Trigger Events

Trigger Events are defined with the trigger form field property and is a simple browser based solution that uses JavaScript. It allows you to change elements attributes such as visibility or value, based on another elements' state. Here is a sample definition:

    label: Send later
    comment: Place a tick in this box if you want to send this message at a later time.
    type: checkbox

    label: Send date
    type: datepicker
    cssClass: field-indent
        action: show
        field: is_delayed
        condition: checked

In the above example the send_at form field will only be shown if the is_delayed field is checked. In other words, the field will show (action) if the other form input (field) is checked (condition).

The trigger definition specifies these properties.

Property Description
action defines the action applied to this field when the condition is met. Supported values: show, hide, enable, disable, empty.
field defines the other field name that will trigger the action.
condition determines the condition the specified field should satisfy for the condition to be considered "true". Supported values: checked, unchecked, value[somevalue].

# Multiple Actions

You may combine multiple actions by separating them with a pipe | symbol. The following will both display and empty the input when the trigger condition is met.

    action: show|empty
    condition: checked
    field: name

# Multiple Value Conditions

When using the value[] condition, you may look for multiple values by passing extra values after the first one, which takes the format value[][].

    action: show
    condition: value[csv][csv_custom]
    field: file_format

# Referencing Parent Fields

Normally the field name refers to a field in the same level form. For example, if this field is in a repeater widget, only fields in that same repeater widget will be checked. However, if the field name is preceded by a caret symbol ^ like: ^parent_field, it will refer to a repeater widget or form one level higher than the field itself.

In the example below, the colors field will be shown when the type field is set to Complex.

        label: Type
        type: dropdown
            1: Simple
            2: Complex

        label: Content
        type: nestedform
                    label: Colors
                    type: colorpicker
                        action: show
                        field: ^type
                        condition: value[2]

Additionally, if more than one caret ^ is used, it will refer that many levels higher: ^^grand_parent_field, ^^^grand_grand_parent_field, etc.

# Input Preset Converter

The input preset converter is defined with the preset form field property and allows you to convert text entered into an element to a URL, slug or file name value in another input element.

In this example we will automatically fill out the url field value when a user enters text in the title field. If the text Hello world is typed in for the Title, the URL will follow suit with the converted value of /hello-world. This behavior will only occur when the destination field (url) is empty and untouched.

    label: Title

    label: URL
        field: title
        type: url

Alternatively, the preset value can also be a string that refers to the field only, the type option will then default to slug.

    label: Slug
    preset: title

The following options are available for the preset option:

Option Description
field defines the other field name to source the value from.
type specifies the conversion type. See below for supported values.
prefixInput optional, prefixes the converted value with the value found in the supplied input element using a CSS selector.

Following are the supported types:

Type Description
exact copies the exact value
slug formats the copied value as a slug
url same as slug but prefixed with a /
camel formats the copied value with camelCase
file formats the copied value as a file name with whitespace replaced with dashes