Entries Field

Entries Field

Content Field

entries - links to other entries by UUID or handle.

    label: Author
    type: entries
    source: <uuid|handle>

The following properties are supported.

Property Description
source the related blueprint UUID or handle name.
maxItems limits the number of entries that can be selected.
displayMode modifies how the field is displayed. Supported values: relation, recordfinder, taglist, controller. Default: relation.
conditions specifies a raw where query statement to apply to the model query.
scope applies a query scope method to the related form model, can be a model method name or a static PHP class method (Class::method).
inverse when defined as an inverse relationship, the name of the related field in the source blueprint.

To limit the number of selectable items, use the maxItems property.

    type: entries
    maxItems: 1

To display a record finder instead of the typical control, use the displayMode property. This mode is only available when one item is selectable.

    type: entries
    displayMode: recordfinder

When multiple items are available, the displayMode supports selecting items using a tag list.

    type: entries
    displayMode: taglist

# Applying Conditions

You can restrict the related query using SQL or PHP using the approaches below. In the examples, the related record has a field called is_featured that renders as a checkbox. We can limit the related records to only those that have this checkbox marked.

# SQL Query Condition

You may limit the related model using a raw SQL query using the conditions property.

    label: Categories
    type: entries
    source: Blog\Category
    conditions: is_featured = true

# PHP Query Scopes

You may limit the related query using a PHP method with the scope property.

    label: Basic Entry
    type: entries
    source: Basic\Entry
    scope: App\Classes\ScopeHelper::applyScope

This would refer to the App\Classes\ScopeHelper class that may look a file located in app/classes/ScopeHelper.php, for example.

namespace App\Classes;

class ScopeHelper
    public static function applyScope($query)
        return $query->where('is_featured', true);

# Defining the Inverse Relation

In some cases you may wish to access the relationship in reverse, such as finding all posts that belong to a certain category. The inverse property can be used to link the relationship in the opposite direction, where the property value is set to the field name in the source blueprint.

For example, if a Blog\Post blueprint has a categories relationship already defined.

    type: entries
    source: Blog\Category

The Blog\Category blueprint can include a posts field as the inverse of the categories field found in the source blueprint (above). The field can be excluded from forms by setting the hidden value to true, and this is optional.

    type: entries
    source: Blog\Post
    inverse: categories
    hidden: true

# List Column Display

By default, the entries field will display as a hyperlink to the related record.

# Display as a Counter

To display the list column to show a counter of related records, you may use the following column configuration. The relation property should be set to the field name, with relationCount set to true and a number column type.

    label: Categories
    type: entries
    # ...
        relation: categories
        relationCount: true
        type: number

# Advanced Record Management

To create, update and delete items within the form, set the displayMode to controller to show an advanced management mode, powered by Relation Controller behavior.

    type: entries
    displayMode: controller

If the blueprint has navigation set to false then the default buttons will show Create and Delete. If the navigation is defined, then the buttons show Add and Remove. You may customize the buttons with the toolbarButtons property.

    type: entries
    toolbarButtons: create|add|remove|delete

The various messages used in the relation controller are taken from the source blueprint customMessages, property, and you may also modify them using the customMessages on the field definition.

    type: entries
        buttonCreate: New Author
        titleUpdateForm: Update Author
        titleCreateForm: Create Author

# See Also