Unit Testing

Unit Testing

Programatically test and harden your business logic.

Individual plugin test cases can be performed using the plugin:test artisan command, followed by the plugin code. For example, the following command will run the tests found in plugins/acme/demo directory.

php artisan plugin:test acme.demo

If you have phpunit installed globally, you can also call this from the plugin directory.

# Creating Plugin Tests

The first step to testing plugins is to create a file called phpunit.xml in the base directory of the plugin. Here is an example of a file named /plugins/acme/blog/phpunit.xml for the Acme.Blog plugin.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <testsuite name="Plugin Test Suite">
        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing" />
        <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array" />
        <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array" />
        <env name="ACTIVE_THEME" value="test" />
        <env name="CONVERT_LINE_ENDINGS" value="true" />
        <env name="CMS_ROUTE_CACHE" value="true" />
        <env name="CMS_TWIG_CACHE" value="false" />
        <env name="ENABLE_CSRF" value="false" />
        <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite" />
        <env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:" />

# Creating a Test Class

The create:test command generates a test class. The first argument specifies the author and plugin name. The second argument specifies the test class name, which must end in Test.

php artisan create:test Acme.Blog UserTest

All tests should be placed in the tests directory that is used store the test classes. Class names should use a Test suffic and a namespace for the class is optional. The test class should extend the PluginTestCase base class and this is a special class that will set up the October CMS database stored in memory, as part of the setUp method.

use Acme\Blog\Models\Post;

class PostTest extends PluginTestCase
    public function testCreateFirstPost()
        $post = Post::create(['title' => 'Hi!']);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $post->id);

# Registering and Booting Plugins

In the test environment, the plugin itself and any dependencies of the plugin are registered and booted automatically. This gives finer control over the testing environment and prevents other plugins in the system from interfering with things like event registration. You can disable automatic loading of the current plugin by setting the autoRegister property to false.

 * @var bool autoRegister feature disabled for this test.
protected $autoRegister = false;

You can manually register and boot a plugin with the loadPlugin method. In some cases, you will need to migrate the plugin manually as well (see below).

public function setUp(): void

    // Runs register() and boot() methods

The following registration methods are available.

Method Name Purpose
loadAllPlugins() Loads all plugins found in the system.
loadCurrentPlugin() Loads the current plugin and its dependencies.
loadPlugin($code) Loads a single plugin using its code, eg: Acme.Blog.
loadPlugins($codes) Loads multiple plugins as an array of codes.

# Working with the Database

By default, plugin tests will automatically migrate the database tables for core modules, the current plugin and its dependencies. This is the equivalent of running the following before each test.

php artisan october:migrate
php artisan plugin:refresh Acme.Blog
[php artisan plugin:refresh <dependency>, ...]

You may disable this feature by setting the autoMigrate property to false in the test class. This is applicable when the test does not make use of the database.

class PostTest extends PluginTestCase
     * @var bool autoMigrate feature disabled for this test.
    protected $autoMigrate = false;

You can manually migrate plugins with the migratePlugin method when setting up the test. The migrateModules method can also be used to make the system tables available.

public function setUp(): void

    // Migrate core modules

    // Migrate the blog plugin

The following migration methods are available.

Method Name Purpose
migrateDatabase() Migrate the entire database, the same as october:migrate.
migrateModules() Migrate only the core modules.
migrateCurrentPlugin() Migrate the current plugin and its dependencies.
migratePlugin($code) Migrates a specific plugin using its code, eg: Acme.Blog.

# Changing the Database

By default unit tests use SQLite stored in memory for the plugin testing environment. You can modify this setting in the phpunit.xml file. The values here are based on the /config/database.php configuration file.

<env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite" />
<env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:" />