

Create pages that implement various features like forms and lists.

The October CMS backend implements an Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. This article describes how to develop backend controllers and how to configure controller behaviors.

Each controller is represented with a PHP script which resides in the the /controllers subdirectory of a Plugin directory. Controller views are .php files that reside in the controller view directory. The controller view directory name matches the controller class name written in lowercase. The view directory can also contain controller configuration files. An example of a controller directory structure:

├── plugins | └── acme | └── blog | ├── controllers | | ├── users ← View Directory | | | ├── config_form.yaml ← Config File | | | ├── _partial.php ← Partial File | | | └── index.php ← View File | | └── Users.php ← Controller Class | └── Plugin.php

For a practical example of using backend controllers, check out the Beyond Behaviors tutorial series (opens new window).

# Class Definition

The create:controller command generates a controller, configuration and view files. The first argument specifies the author and plugin name. The second argument specifies the controller class name.

php artisan create:controller Acme.Blog Posts

Controller classes must extend the Backend\Classes\Controller class. As any other plugin class, controllers should belong to the plugin namespace. The most basic representation of a Controller used inside a Plugin looks like this.

namespace Acme\Blog\Controllers;

class Posts extends \Backend\Classes\Controller
    public function index()    // ← Action method


Usually each controller implements functionality for working with a single type of data - like blog posts or categories. All backend behaviors described below assume this convention.

# Controller Properties

The backend controller base class defines a number of properties that allow to configure the page appearance and manage the page security:

Property Description
$fatalError allows to store a fatal exception generated in an action method in order to display it in the view.
$user contains a reference to the the backend user object.
$suppressView allows to prevent the view display. Can be updated in the action method or in the controller constructor.
$params an array of the routed parameters.
$action a name of the action method being executed in the current request.
$publicActions defines an array of actions available without the backend user authentication. Can be overridden in the class definition.
$requiredPermissions permissions required to view this page. Can be set in the class definition or in the controller constructor. See users & permissions for details.
$pageTitle sets the page title. Can be set in the action method.
$bodyClass body class property used for customizing the layout. Can be set in the controller constructor or action method.
$guarded controller specific methods which cannot be called as actions. Can be extended in the controller constructor.
$layout specify a custom layout for the controller views.

# Initialization Logic

Controllers may perform initialization logic in the native __construct method.

Logic inside the constructor is not protected and should not handle any sensitive logic.

public function __construct()

The beforeDisplay method is called after the permission checks happen and most logic should be placed here. This includes initializing widgets and other shared components.

public function beforeDisplay()
    // Initialize widgets, handle file uploads, etc.

# Actions, Views and Routing

Public controller methods, called actions are coupled to view files which represent the page corresponding the action. Backend view files use PHP syntax. Example of the index.php view file contents, corresponding to the index action method.

<h1>Hello World</h1>

URL of this page is made up of the author name, plugin name, controller name and action name.

admin/[author name]/[plugin name]/[controller name]/[action name]

For example, the class definition used at the beginning of this article is accessible via the following URL.


If a plugin is registered with a hint in the pluginDetails method, a shorter URL structure becomes available, which is useful for masking the author name in URLs.

admin/[plugin hint]/[controller name]/[action name]

# Passing Data to Views

Use the controller's $vars property to pass any data directly to your view:

$this->vars['myVariable'] = 'value';

The variables passed with the $vars property can now be accessed directly in your view:

<p>The variable value is <?= $myVariable ?></p>

# Setting the Navigation Context

Plugins can register the backend navigation menus and submenus in the plugin registration file. The navigation context determines what backend menu and submenu are active for the current backend page. You can set the navigation context with the BackendMenu class:

BackendMenu::setContext('Acme.Blog', 'blog', 'categories');

The first parameter specifies the author and plugin names. The second parameter sets the menu code. The optional third parameter specifies the submenu code. Usually you call the BackendMenu::setContext in the controller constructor.

namespace Acme\Blog\Controllers;

class Categories extends \Backend\Classes\Controller {

public function __construct()

    BackendMenu::setContext('Acme.Blog', 'blog', 'categories');

You can set the title of the backend page with the $pageTitle property of the controller class (note that the form and list behaviors can do it for you):

$this->pageTitle = 'Blog Categories';

# Overriding a Response

You can override responses in your backend controllers as a mechanism for making changes to the response of a HTTP request. For example, you may wish to specify a HTTP header for certain actions in your controller, or redirect users if they don't meet certain criteria.

Overriding a response is useful particularly when extending other controllers. However you may find it useful to call these methods locally.

\Author\Plugin\Controllers\SomeController::extend(function($controller) {
    $controller->setResponseHeader('Test-Header', 'Test');

If you want to check the routed action or parameters, you can find these available in the controller getAction and getParams methods.

Author\Plugin\Controllers\SomeController::extend(function($controller) {
    if ($controller->getAction() === 'index') {
        // Only do it for the index action

    if ($controller->getParams()[0] ?? null) {
        // Only if first parameter exists

To add a header to your response, you may call the setResponseHeader method.

$this->setResponseHeader('Test-Header', 'Test');

To change the status code of a response, use the setStatusCode method.


To override the entire response, call the setResponse method, this will force the response regardless of what happens on the page's life cycle.

$this->setResponse('Page Not Found');

You may also pass a Response object to this method.


View the Views & Responses article for more information on building responses.

# See Also