Date & Time

Date & Time

List Column

datetime - displays the column value as a formatted date and time. The next example displays dates as Thu, Dec 25, 1975 2:15 PM.

    label: Date
    type: datetime

You may also specify a custom date format, for example Thursday 25th of December 1975 02:15:16 PM.

    label: Date
    type: datetime
    format: l jS \of F Y h:i:s A

The display value is automatically converted to the backend timezone preference, you may disable this using the useTimezone option.

    label: Date
    type: datetime
    useTimezone: false

The useTimezone option also applies to other date and time related field types, including date, time, timesince and timetense.

# Date

date - displays the column value as date format M j, Y.

    label: Date
    type: date

The backend timezone preference is not applied to this value by default. If the date includes a time, you may convert the timezone with the useTimezone option.

    label: Date
    type: date
    useTimezone: true

The date and time columns do not apply backend timezone conversions by default since a date and time are both required for the conversion.

# Time

time - displays the column value as time format g:i A.

    label: Date
    type: time

# Time Since

timesince - displays a human readable time difference from the value to the current time. Eg: 10 minutes ago

    label: Date
    type: timesince

# Time Tense

timetense - displays 24-hour time and the day using the grammatical tense of the current date. Eg: Today at 12:49, Yesterday at 4:00 or 18 Sep 2015 at 14:33.

    label: Date
    type: timetense