
October CMS Documentation Docs


All of the configuration files for October CMS are stored in the config directory. Each option is documented, so feel free to look through the files and get familiar with the options available to you.

# Environment Configuration

It is often helpful to have different configuration values based on the environment the application is running in. To control confguration in different environments, October CMS uses a DotEnv library (opens new window) to make it easy to manage environment variables. These variables can override any values specified in the config directory.

In a fresh installation of October CMS, the base directory will contain a .env.example file that provides typical values for a local environment. During the installation process, this file will be copied to .env where you can make any changes.

For example, the database connection can be specified with these variables.


Any variable in your .env file can be overridden by external environment variables such as server-level or system-level environment variables. For example, in Apache this line can be added to the .htaccess or httpd.config file:

SetEnv DB_CONNECTION "mysql"

To recap, configuration values are loaded in this order.

  1. System environment variables
  2. Variables in the .env file
  3. Values in the config PHP files

Important: Never commit your .env file to source control because this would be a security risk in the event an intruder gains access to your source control repository, since any sensitive credentials would get exposed.

# Specific Environment Files

In rare cases you may need to load different .env files for the same codebase, such as local, staging and production. The current application environment detection can be overridden by a server-level APP_ENV environment variable.

SetEnv APP_ENV "staging"

The above example sets the APP_ENV value to staging will therefore attempt to load values from the .env.staging file instead.

# Application Configuration

Here we will cover some common configuration items and their purpose.

# Debug Mode

The debug setting is found in the config/app.php configuration file with the debug parameter. By default, this option looks at the value of the APP_DEBUG environment variable, which is stored in your .env file.


When enabled, this setting will show detailed error messages when they occur along with other debugging features. While useful during development, debug mode should always be disabled when used in a live production site. This prevents potentially sensitive information from being displayed to the end-user.

The debug mode uses the following features when enabled:

  1. Detailed error pages are displayed.
  2. Failed user authentication provides a specific reason.
  3. Combined assets are not minified by default.
  4. Safe mode is disabled by default.

Important: Always set the APP_DEBUG setting to false in production environments.

# Safe Mode

The safe mode setting is found in the config/cms.php configuration file with the enable_safe_mode parameter. By default, the option sources its value from CMS_SAFE_MODE which can be added to your .env file.


When safe mode is enabled, the PHP code section is disabled in CMS templates to prevent a user from potentially executing malicious code.

This variable can be set to true or false. If set to null, safe mode will activate when debug mode is disabled.

# CSRF protection

October CMS provides an easy method of protecting your application from cross-site request forgeries. First a random token is placed in your user's session. Then when a opening form tag is used the token is added to the page and submitted back with each request.


While CSRF protection is enabled by default, you can disable it with the enable_csrf_protection parameter in the config/system.php configuration file, or the sourced value from ENABLE_CSRF environment variable.